Medical Inventions and Discoveries
Invention | Inventor(s) | Country | Year |
Adding Machine | Pascal | France | 1624 |
Aeroplane | Wright Brothers | US | 1903 |
Ballpoint Pen | C. Biro | Hungary | 1888 |
Barometer | E. Torricelli | Italy | 1643 |
Bicycle | K. Macmillan | Scotland | 1839 |
Rubber (Vulcanized) | Charles Goodyear | US | 1839 |
Rubber (Waterproof) | Charles Macintosh | Scotland | 1823 |
Safety Lamp | Sir Humphry Davy | England | 1816 |
Safety Pin | W. Hunt | US | 1849 |
Sewing Machine | B. Thimmonnier | France | 1830 |
Scooter | G. Bradshaw | England | 1919 |
Ship (Steam) | J.C. Perier | France | 1775 |
Ship (Turbine) | Sir Charles Parsons | England | 1894 |
Shorthand (Modern) | Sir Isaac Pitman | England | 1894 |
Spinning Frame | Sir Richard Arkwright | England | 1769 |
Steam Engine (Piston) | Thomas Newcomen | England | 1705 |
Steam Engine | James Watt | Scotland | 1782 |
Stainless Steel | Harry Brearley | England | 1913 |
Submarine | D. Bushnell | US | 1776 |
Tank | Sir Ernest Swington | England | 1914 |
Telegraph Code | Samuel F. B. Morse | US | 1837 |
Telephone | Alexander Graham Bell | US | 1876 |
Telescope | Hans Lippershey | The Netherlands | 1608 |
Television (Successful Demonstration) |
John Logie Baird | Scotland | 1926 |
Terylene | J. Whinfield and J. Dickson | England | 1941 |
Thermometer | Galileo Galilee | Italy | 1593 |
Tractor | Benjamin Holt | US | 1900 |
Transistor | Bardeen, Shockley and Brattain | US | 1947 |
Typewriter | C. Sholes | US | 1867 |
Radio Valve | Sir J.A. Fleming | Britain | 1904 |
Watch | A. L Breguet | France | 1791 |
X-ray | Wilhelm Roentgen | Germany | 1895 |
Zip Fastener | W. L. Judson | US | 1891 |