Say No to Alcohol - Bad Effects of Drinking Alcohol
When I think of alcohol I think of a man with slurred speech, staggering from one side to the other, than falling down to the ground face forward flat on his face. This is the face of alcohol and what it does to you. That's why I call it the drunk man's drink. Drinking alcohol is one of the worst things anyone can do to their health. It causes so many health problems such as vitamin deficiency, skin problems, obesity, stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, fetal alcohol syndrome, cirrhosis or scarring of the liver, cancer of the esophagus, mouth, throat, and larynx.
Drinking alcohol ages you by making you look older than you really are. You can definitely tell the difference between someone who drinks alcohol and someone who doesn't. If you don't drink alcohol your skin will thank you for it and you will look much younger.
Some people say that drinking alcohol such as wine is good for your health, if you drink it in moderation. That's the problem with alcohol it's hard to drink it in moderation because it is addicting. You can do other things to keep your heart healthy that don't risk an addiction.
Bad Effects of Drinking Alcohol
Alcohol causes so many other problems for society too. Drinking and driving is a very big problem. Many people have lost their lives because someone was driving drunk. There are commercials and organizations that put the word out continually not to drive under the influence of alcohol, but it continues to fall upon deaf ears. One of the so called solutions is to get a designated driver before you go out to drink. People believe that they don't need a designated driver because they do not plan to get drunk. It all comes back to addiction. Some people take one drink and they are drunk while another person it may take more than one drink. Rarely, does a person just drink one glass of alcohol. If you don't plan to get drunk than you won't appoint a designated driver. Drinking clouds your judgement and you can't think therefore you become irresponsible. You also have bars where people go to drink alcohol on a regular basis. It is not practical to think that each and every person who frequents a bar will appoint a designated driver. They drive themselves there and for the most part they will drive themselves home. Getting a designated driver does not solve the problem of drunk driving.
Alcohol is always advertised in a fun way. It is associated with having a good time. Just watch the commercials on television. Alcohol companies sponsor many of the sporting events. I really believe it is hypocritical because if you drink you will not be able to play sports. Drinking alcohol is totally the opposite of what sports is supposed to stand for. Which is aspiring to be all you can be mentally, physically, and emotionally. Overcoming any kind of obstacle to achieve your goals. Being athletic and in good shape and health. To compete and to win. None of that is possible when alcohol is in the picture.
The best way to protect your health and your well-being is not to drink at all and encourage others to do the same. Doesn't that make more sense? The staff at drug and alcohol treatment centers are specifically trained to guide patients towards rehabilitation.
I am glad I came across this article in one the emails sent to me by a friend. I have always wanted to read such articles because I am a victim of alcohol not that I am alcoholic no but that I have been trying for years to stop the habit of drinking when I should not be drinking. I have landed myself in problems because of alcohol; I bashed someone while under the influence of alcohol luckily there was no death. I told myself I would take it slow but after sometime I was doing it again. But now it affected my work and now I am now living a life of "I should have" in other words a life of regrets because it has affected my income. Anyway I am making progress I haven?t touched the bottle for sometime now except for a few tots. I hope I shall be strong enough to completely stop. Can someone give me tips on how to achieve this in an environment where there are no social activities? Your contribution will be appreciated.
Children play, laugh, enjoy life unadultrated. Then when we turn 21 the message is that alcohol is the catalyst for having a good time. People will say they are being social by drinking, yet alcohol is one of the leading contributors to anti-social behavior, such as domestic violence, crime, sexual abuse. People will defend drinking by saying it makes them relax, and relieves stress. So the message to our children is that you need a drug to have a good time, and cope with the inevitable challenges of life. Then these same adults will preach to children not to do drugs. Children model behavior, what they see their parents do. They watch and see that the first thing adults do when they get together socially is drink. To expect our youth to be responsible with alcohol while most adults who drink are not is hypocritical. Clarity of mind helps one to retain that youthful enjoyment of life. By not choosing to drink a person will avoid a lot of problems, and be more likely to succeed in their goals.
I drink happy juice because it makes me feel happy!