Facts about Miscarriages
Miscarriage is the loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks. It is against the will of a woman and cause a lot of grief and tears to her. Most of the miscarriages take place in the first 12 to 13 weeks. As a woman grows older the chances of miscarriage are more. At the age of 20 to 30 the pregnancies ending in miscarriage is about 15 % while the percent of miscarriages increases with the age.
Why do most miscarriages occur?
It cannot be said clearly why miscarriages occur. Most of the times it is a genetic problem and not because of carelessness. The early miscarriages are generally due to genetics and cannot be prevented. Some reasons of miscarriage could be heaving drinking and smoking. If you do not take proper care of yourself and take alcohol. Another factor could be that you are undergoing a lot of stress. At times medical tests could be the reason for a miscarriage.
Does a miscarriage mean some kind of health problem?
If a woman has a miscarriage that does not mean she has some health problem or she cannot become a mother again. There are a number of women who become mothers after a miscarriage and there are also women who had more than one miscarriage and become mothers. Though continuous miscarriages could be indications of some health problems and need medical help. At times medical tests could be the reason for a miscarriage.
What are the symptoms of miscarriages?
If there is vaginal bleeding that could be followed by brownish discharge then it could a warning of a miscarriage. If there is pain in the lower back or abdomen then it could be an indication of miscarriage. Another symptom is pain in the pelvic area. A gush of fluid from the vagina without pain or bleeding. Spotting or bleeding without pain. Heavy bleeding along with severe pain.
If a woman experiences any kind of bleeding it is best to visit a doctor and have a check up. The doctor will check the shape and size of the uterus. She could also have an ultrasound to see the image of the uterus and baby. An ultrasound will confirm the heartbeat of the baby. You could also undergo a blood teat known as Complete Blood Count to asses the amount of blood you have lost.
When a woman looses pregnancy it is recommended to take rest and proper care. It would be best if she could share her feelings with someone she loves and trusts. It will make her feel lighter and recover fast. pregnancy after miscarriage is possible therefore the woman who has had a miscarriage should be consoled and convinced that she can give another try and that this is not an end.
What happens after a miscarriage?
Following a miscarriage, it is advisable to take it easy and rest for a couple of days. It will help if the woman has someone she trusts with her, so that she can talk openly about her feelings. After a couple of days it is often helpful to return to a normal daily routine. After a miscarriage a woman might experience headaches or have trouble sleeping. She may also experience lack of appetite and fatigue. Many women feel anger and sadness after a miscarriage, while many others experience a strong sense of guilt, even though it is not their fault. These are all natural reactions.
A miscarriage can be frightening, confusing and depressing. It is natural to feel grief over the loss of a child. Women should not let people ignore or belittle what they have been through. The people they choose to talk to must be prepared to listen to what they have experienced and deal with the strong emotions involved. Any woman who finds it too difficult to deal with her grief, or who continues to feel depressed, should consult her doctor for further help.
What if more than one miscarriage is experienced?
If a woman has three miscarriages in a row, this is known as a recurrent spontaneous miscarriage (RSM) and a referral to a gynaecologist for special investigation is recommended. Provided the investigations are negative, a woman’s next pregnancy still has a 70 per cent chance of being successful.
When can I try for another baby?
There are no hard-and-fast rules. The right time to try for children again will vary from one couple to another: some will want to start a couple of weeks or months after the bleeding has stopped, others will want to wait longer. It is, of course, advisable to recover from the worst of the emotional upset before starting another pregnancy.
Information Source: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/diseases/facts/miscarriage.htm