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 Health Articles

Identify your headache - Detect the type of headache

Headaches are irritants that could spoil your day. They could take away your efficiency by almost 50 per cent. Often we neglect headaches and try to get on with the daily chores till finally 3-4 hours later the headache becomes unbearable. After... Read More

How is Diabetes Diagnosed?

How is Diabetes Diagnosed? According to current recommendations presence of any of the criteria below indicates that the person has diabetes: Fasting plasma glucose is above 126 mg/dl; Diabetes symptoms exist and casual plasma glucose is equal to... Read More

What Causes Bad Breath?

The causes of bad breath and how to eliminate it.   Many people have a problem with bad breath (halitosis), but they have no idea what causes it or how to eliminate it. In general, there are three possible reasons why a person might have bad... Read More

Amazing Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot. What it will do is what some call 'turning to sugar'. In reality, honey is always honey. However, when left in a cool dark place for a long time it will "crystallize". When this happens... Read More

Mobile Phone Risk During Storms

Next time you find yourself talking on your mobile phone in the middle of a thunderstorm you may want to cut the conversation short. UK doctors have warned of the danger of lightning strikes when using mobile phones outdoors during stormy weather... Read More

8 Highly Effective Cold Prevention Strategies

Check out these highly effective cold prevention strategies. It is that time of the year again when you have to worry about catching a cold, but there are several different ways that you can keep yourself from coming down with one and also passing it... Read More

Drink Water to your Health

Seventy percent of our body is water. Dehydration occurs when the level of water in the body drops drastically affecting normal bodily functions. Drink plenty of fluids, specially in the summer months. Water is the best choice. Ensure your intake... Read More

Provoking My Productivity Potential

10 tips to manage your time for improved productivity. Includes exercise, fitness, stress relief and nutritional information. In a recent blog posting, Stephen Shapiro, author of the recent released book, Goal-Free Living speaks of changing... Read More

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